Top 10k strings from Green Door (1988)(Tartan Software).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   4 r$(j)="He's gone!":
   2 r$(j)="It's tied too tight!":
   2 r$(j)="It's hanging from the beam.":
   2 r$(j)="It's a fine wood for doors!":
   2 r$(j)="He doesn't hear you!":
   2 r$(j)="Check INVENTORY!":
   2 no=(i+pass)
   2 C                      
   2 "23500",r:
   1 your feeling of uneasiness grows
   1 you wish", she says, then she   
   1 you recover you find...........
   1 you once and zooms off to the   
   1 you from seeing anything!!
   1 x                      
   1 window, screeching "EEEeeassstt"
   1 window, and there is the GREEN  
   1 which there is a closed door.
   1 western nymph
   1 wearing a pink bikini and a     
   1 was from fright or strangulation
   1 very disgruntled and grubby HOG.
   1 tree-tops and cottages!
   1 the windmill, he didn't GO there
   1 the rubbish!
   1 the floor.
   1 the end of a length of ROPE.
   1 the bemused oyster
   1 table-tennis BALL.
   1 surprising that you trip over   
   1 spying a bear (YOU!), runs off  
   1 space                 
   1 southern goblin
   1 so you climb down.
   1 shouts. You fall into the grave 
   1 she asks in a sqeaky voice.
   1 sets off to the east grunting   
   1 says. As he leaves he drops his 
   1 says,as she throws you a KNIFE!
   1 r$(x,j)="*"
   1 r$(j)="ZIG ZAG....ZIG ZAG!":
   1 r$(j)="You've no HAMMER!":
   1 r$(j)="You tied it to the BELL!":
   1 r$(j)="You part the bullrushes and":
   1 r$(j)="You must be seeing things!":
   1 r$(j)="You could SAY MAT looks MAGIC!":
   1 r$(j)="You can't see much from out here":
   1 r$(j)="You can't reach from here!":
   1 r$(j)="You can't go THAT way!":
   1 r$(j)="You can give that up now!":
   1 r$(j)="You bump into the mill returning":
   1 r$(j)="Yellow, but a strange yellow...":
   1 r$(j)="YOU tied it too tight!":
   1 r$(j)="YOU HAVE NO KEY!":
   1 r$(j)="YELLOW and quite real.":
   1 r$(j)="Wow! This BAT bears(groan) BATTY":
   1 r$(j)="Within the rubbish you find a":
   1 r$(j)="Why?....It's open!":
   1 r$(j)="Why not try lighting it!":
   1 r$(j)="Wet!":
   1 r$(j)="'s GREEN and really":
   1 r$(j)="Very refreshing!":
   1 r$(j)="Very grubby...needs a good wash!":
   1 r$(j)="Upon further examination you":
   1 r$(j)="Up and down! Great fun!":
   1 r$(j)="UGH!!!!No thank you!":
   1 r$(j)="Too strong and slippery":
   1 r$(j)="Too big and heavy for you!":
   1 r$(j)="They fade away as you try.":
   1 r$(j)="They are beyond description!":
   1 r$(j)="They all appear to be playing":
   1 r$(j)="These are as daft as the other":
   1 r$(j)="There's nothing more to be said!":
   1 r$(j)="There's no-one HERE!":
   1 r$(j)="There's no bed here!":
   1 r$(j)="There's no FUR here!":
   1 r$(j)="There's an old woman in it.":
   1 r$(j)="There's a stew bubbling on the":
   1 r$(j)="There's a door there.":
   1 r$(j)="There's a cupboard against it.":
   1 r$(j)="There's a comfortable bed there":
   1 r$(j)="There is a rope hanging from it.":
   1 r$(j)="There is a lit candle here":
   1 r$(j)="There is a BELL suspended here!":
   1 r$(j)="There are bats playing table-":
   1 r$(j)="The woman objects to that!":
   1 r$(j)="The witch is GREEN affronted!":
   1 r$(j)="The windmill has vanished!":
   1 r$(j)="The water's not deep enough here":
   1 r$(j)="The thunder is still about!":
   1 r$(j)="The rope and bell are firmly":
   1 r$(j)="The oyster won't let you!":
   1 r$(j)="The oyster objects to that and":
   1 r$(j)="The old woman will not let you!":
   1 r$(j)="The light is so poor that no":
   1 r$(j)="The flying ones you can't catch":
   1 r$(j)="The flying ones are furry and":
   1 r$(j)="The flame may singe your fur.":
   1 r$(j)="The door is made of oak.":
   1 r$(j)="The candle stays lit!!":
   1 r$(j)="The bell produces a feeble ding":
   1 r$(j)="The bats won't let you join in.":
   1 r$(j)="The bats won't let you do that.":
   1 r$(j)="The WITCH has gone!":
   1 r$(j)="The HOG easily dodges you!":
   1 r$(j)="The DOOR is now open.":
   1 r$(j)="The DOOR is already open!":
   1 r$(j)="The Curate's run off with them":
   1 r$(j)="The Curate opened that!":
   1 r$(j)="That's not for bears!":
   1 r$(j)="That's NOT possible!":
   1 r$(j)="That was taken by a passing fish":
   1 r$(j)="That ROPE is still lying here!":
   1 r$(j)="Take pity on the oyster! You've":
   1 r$(j)="THAT'S not the way in here!":
   1 r$(j)="THAT makes no impression!":
   1 r$(j)="THAT exit has now SPUN away!":
   1 r$(j)="Strong and smooth.":
   1 r$(j)="Skinheads now!":
   1 r$(j)="Skimpy and pink!":
   1 r$(j)="Shiny metal!":
   1 r$(j)="She's wearing a pink bikini and":
   1 r$(j)="She's pink-faced and old.":
   1 r$(j)="She's gone!":
   1 r$(j)="She is not in view from here.":
   1 r$(j)="She is busy knitting.":
   1 r$(j)="She doesn't like that idea!":
   1 r$(j)="Seriously (!) it is spooky!":
   1 r$(j)="Seem to make a comfortable bed!":
   1 r$(j)="Runs through your claws!":
   1 r$(j)="Real snazzy!":
   1 r$(j)="Rather brassy but may RING well!":
   1 r$(j)="Quite small but it IS silver.":
   1 r$(j)="Quite pretty, mainly daffodils.":
   1 r$(j)="Quite large and green.":
   1 r$(j)="Pretty! Pretty!":
   1 r$(j)="Please use N,S,E etc.":
   1 r$(j)="Please don't disturb the bed.":
   1 r$(j)="Plants, herbs and snails! But":
   1 r$(j)="Pink satin, don't you know?":
   1 r$(j)="Pinging - ponging over the nets!":
   1 r$(j)="Paths keep changing in this wood":
   1 r$(j)="PINK!":
   1 r$(j)="Only for HOGS!":
   1 r$(j)="Old but functional.":
   1 r$(j)="Of the table-tennis variety!":
   1 r$(j)="OUCH! That's hot!":
   1 r$(j)="Now that's just HOGWASH!":
   1 r$(j)="Nothing special to be heard.":
   1 r$(j)="Nothing special about this lane.":
   1 r$(j)="Nothing more to be found!":
   1 r$(j)="Not while standing on it!!":
   1 r$(j)="Not very pleasant!":
   1 r$(j)="Not surprisingly it is wet!":
   1 r$(j)="Not likely!":
   1 r$(j)="Not enough light in here to see":
   1 r$(j)="Not a favourite bear dish.":
   1 r$(j)="Not a BEAR'S favourite past-time":
   1 r$(j)="Not YET!":
   1 r$(j)="Not SO simple!":
   1 r$(j)="Not IN the witch's KITCHEN!":
   1 r$(j)="No need to shout here!":
   1 r$(j)="No help once through GREEN door!":
   1 r$(j)="No EXIT there just now!":
   1 r$(j)="Made of daffodils":
   1 r$(j)="Made in Hong Kong for table-":
   1 r$(j)="Looks rather pained!":
   1 r$(j)="Looks quite old from here.":
   1 r$(j)="Looks quite cosy even though it":
   1 r$(j)="Looks nice and strong.":
   1 r$(j)="Looks cosy in there.":
   1 r$(j)="Looks as though he likes his bed":
   1 r$(j)="Like nothing you've ever seen!":
   1 r$(j)="Leads west to a lane.":
   1 r$(j)="Leads to a cave entrance.":
   1 r$(j)="Later..perhaps!":
   1 r$(j)="Just what you would expect!":
   1 r$(j)="Just the usual green mesh!":
   1 r$(j)="Just potatoes!":
   1 r$(j)="Just like any other vestry....":
   1 r$(j)="Its lit.":
   1 r$(j)="It's too heavy for you to move!":
   1 r$(j)="It's tied to the beam!":
   1 r$(j)="It's still here!":
   1 r$(j)="It's really indescribable!":
   1 r$(j)="It's quite BEARable in here!":
   1 r$(j)="It's pealing rather loud!":
   1 r$(j)="It's open.":
   1 r$(j)="It's open, leading south.":
   1 r$(j)="It's of substantial proportions!":
   1 r$(j)="It's nothing special!":
   1 r$(j)="It's not a safety MATCH.":
   1 r$(j)="It's narrow and leads to east.":
   1 r$(j)="It's just a strong beam.":
   1 r$(j)="It's hanging from the beam, just":
   1 r$(j)="It's hanging from the beam with":
   1 r$(j)="It's dud now!":
   1 r$(j)="It's devoid of flowers now!":
   1 r$(j)="It's closed at the moment.":
   1 r$(j)="It's all dry now.":
   1 r$(j)="It's a long way in the distance,":
   1 r$(j)="It's a bit unclear in this light":
   1 r$(j)="It's OPEN!":
   1 r$(j)="It's JUST a pepper MILL!":
   1 r$(j)="It really is spic and span.":
   1 r$(j)="It only works once!! Sorreeeeee!":
   1 r$(j)="It only rings properly when it":
   1 r$(j)="It looks revolting!":
   1 r$(j)="It looks inviting....down there!":
   1 r$(j)="It looks comfortable.":
   1 r$(j)="It looks FAIRY familiar!":
   1 r$(j)="It is somewhat overgrown but it":
   1 r$(j)="It exudes a feeling of doom....":
   1 r$(j)="It burned brightly!":
   1 r$(j)="I shouldn't bother!":
   1 r$(j)="Horrible WITCH'S stew!":
   1 r$(j)="He's toooooo heaveeeeee":
   1 r$(j)="He's the battiest of all!!":
   1 r$(j)="He's not here!":
   1 r$(j)="He's not amused!":
   1 r$(j)="He's nice and clean now!":
   1 r$(j)="He's hovering just out of reach.":
   1 r$(j)="He's gone off again! Think he":
   1 r$(j)="He's already here!":
   1 r$(j)="He went east.":
   1 r$(j)="He got CLEAN away!":
   1 r$(j)="He doesn't like sharing his bed!":
   1 r$(j)="He dodges your attempts!":
   1 r$(j)="Has short blade. Don't despare!":
   1 r$(j)="Goes north and EVENTUALLY leads":
   1 r$(j)="GREEN with shiny metal handle.":
   1 r$(j)="GREEN and lop-sided.":
   1 r$(j)="Full of trees!":
   1 r$(j)="Full of daffodils.":
   1 r$(j)="Full of clear water.":
   1 r$(j)="From here it appears to be trees":
   1 r$(j)="For HOGS only!":
   1 r$(j)="Feels real cosy in here.":
   1 r$(j)="Faded yellow.":
   1 r$(j)="Evil spirits here are unBEARable":
   1 r$(j)="Eerie and still GREEN!":
   1 r$(j)="Does'nt look very appetising!":
   1 r$(j)="Dirty and black.":
   1 r$(j)="Despare! You've no KNIFE!":
   1 r$(j)="DOOR is not OPEN yet.":
   1 r$(j)="DAZ-zlingly white! Or OMO even!":
   1 r$(j)="Could be too late now!":
   1 r$(j)="Clear and deep....looks inviting":
   1 r$(j)="Check your INVENTORY":
   1 r$(j)="Check your INVENTORY!":
   1 r$(j)="Can't see him now!":
   1 r$(j)="Can't reach from out here!":
   1 r$(j)="But you have no SOAP!":
   1 r$(j)="But they are so awkward to carry":
   1 r$(j)="Brown":
   1 r$(j)="BLACK!!":
   1 r$(j)="BATTY BAT is hovering around you":
   1 r$(j)="Are":
   1 r$(j)="Are you seeing things!":
   1 r$(j)="Apologies from authors!"
   1 r$(j)="An oyster is in here with you!":
   1 r$(j)="An oyster bed is down there.":
   1 r$(j)="An old woman is there!":
   1 r$(j)="An IMP caught THAT and ran off!":
   1 r$(j)="Already open!":
   1 r$(j)="Already done!":
   1 r$(j)="All spent!":
   1 r$(j)="All quiet now!":
   1 r$(j)="All GREEN as befits GREEN WITCH":
   1 r$(j)="""THANK YOU! Here's my HAT!""":
   1 r$(j)="""Goblin"" sounds from the south!":
   1 r$(b)="some use, you eagerly take it!":
   1 r$(b)="pimpled.":
   1 r$(b)="firmly held by the flying ones!!":
   1 r$(a)="where you tied it.":
   1 r$(a)="when struck with the hammer.":
   1 r$(a)="to be able to do that.":
   1 r$(a)="to a far away old windmill.":
   1 r$(a)="tied together.":
   1 r$(a)="things in the garden.....POOF!!":
   1 r$(a)="the other ones are green and":
   1 r$(a)="that you drop them again!":
   1 r$(a)="tennis, not bingo!":
   1 r$(a)="tennis all over the place.":
   1 r$(a)="table-tennis.":
   1 r$(a)="see a length of ROPE.":
   1 r$(a)="says the Witch as she disappears":
   1 r$(a)="only fit for a witch!":
   1 r$(a)="old fashioned stove.":
   1 r$(a)="no puppy dog's tails!":
   1 r$(a)="more detail can be discerned.":
   1 r$(a)="is suspended.":
   1 r$(a)="is possible to go east now.":
   1 r$(a)="is made of twigs and leaves.":
   1 r$(a)="hits you on the nose again!":
   1 r$(a)="except for that bed, perhaps!":
   1 r$(a)="doesn't like BEARS!!":
   1 r$(a)="collect a solitary MATCH!":
   1 r$(a)="but it looks quite pleasant.":
   1 r$(a)="but it looks like trees!":
   1 r$(a)="but from here it looks fine!.":
   1 r$(a)="brass BELL. As this might be of":
   1 r$(a)="as a BEAR WITH A SORE HEAD!":
   1 r$(a)="and the pimpled ones are being":
   1 r$(a)="already given him a sore head!":
   1 r$(a)="a large green HAT!":
   1 r$(a)="a bell tied to it.":
   1 r$(a)="There's a coffin in there!":
   1 r$(a)="It may be of use to other BEARS.":
   1 r$(a)="But more's locked!":
   1 r$(a)="BAT'S autograph. May be valuable":
   1 q,n; " One more magical saying will     return you to normal life!":
   1 puff of soot comes the strangest
   1 one ot the branches.
   1 northern elf
   1 no=no-MOB:
   1 night, and YOU, I'm afraid, fall
   1 nate until spring. You forget   
   1 morning you awake to find you   
   1 locking it behind him.
   1 location 21
   1 leading to the east.
   1 large green HAT.
   1 l,n;"And you went through it! But canyou find the way back to the Zoo":
   1 j;"  Press a key to continue  "
   1 into the DARKNESS.........
   1 into a clearing in the wood!
   1 interest to you, whether death  
   1 in the wild bed.
   1 in the direction of the windmill
   1 i,n;" One day on a visit to the Zoo       you noticed in a wall               a GREEN DOOR.":
   1 i,b;"You have missed something!":
   1 huge black PEARL.
   1 his BAT, personally signed:-    
   1 her broomstick, circles around  
   1 head"complains the oyster.
   1 have been magically transported!
   1 happily ever after!
   1 happening, you are WHOOSHED out 
   1 green SOAP.
   1 green     
   1 from you. He flies off into the 
   1 from which is hanging a rope.
   1 from which is hanging a BELL on 
   1 find another BROWN BEAR and live
   1 figure.........................
   1 fall asleep, in fact you hiber- 
   1 eastern wizard
   1 door. On seeing you he a makes a
   1 cross voice as he gives you a   
   1 conducting the "MINUTE WALTZ"!  
   1 clear=51624
   1 chl=ch-(chm*256
   1 ch=clear-770
   1 c;"Nothing at all!":
   1 c;"Inside you see:-":
   1 bunch of keys in his hot little 
   1 biff on the nose!
   1 bee-line for the door, holding a
   1 back of the cupboard door:-
   1 and zooms out the window........
   1 and some POTATOES
   1 and points to the north wall, in
   1 and out through the belfry......
   1 and catches you by the throat.  
   1 and an umbrella, on the ground.
   1 and DIE, it being of litte      
   1 all about the GREEN WITCH as you
   1 after you and snatches the BALL 
   1 a large green HAT!
   1 You tie the rope to the bell.
   1 You tie the rope to the beam.
   1 You sleep soundly and in the    
   1 You settle in the leaves, and   
   1 You see the Curate, who on      
   1 You see an over-grown path      
   1 You sail across the sky, over   
   1 You hope she's not going to sing
   1 You have with you:-    
   1 You have found a nice hidey-holeso you shelter until the storm  passes. Your fur was soaking butthe hidey-hole spun round to    spin you dry. After the spinningthe exit is to the south!
   1 You have a feeling of deja vu!!
   1 You go deeper into the wood and 
   1 You find yourself in the hog's  front room. It is spic and span,and the hog is busily getting   the swill ready for his supper.
   1 You feel at home in here. It wasreally designed for the satis-  faction of a bear's necessities.
   1 You can see the outline of the  
   1 You are whisked in through the  
   1 You are standing on the front   door MAT, outside the house of  the GREEN WITCH.
   1 You are standing on the edge of an oyster bed. You can see the  bed in the clear, deep water.   You also notice reeds waving in the cool breeze and bullrushes  growing in profusion around the wet, muddy brink of the pool.
   1 You are standing in the middle  of a daffodil bed in the GREEN  WITCH'S garden. This garden is  full of exotic plants, strange  herbs--and snails!              You hear the WITCH'S voice      coming from inside the house....She is SINGING..............
   1 You are standing in the WITCH'S warm kitchen. An Irish Stew is  bubbling on the stove. The      parlour can be seen to the east.
   1 You are standing amid a sorry-  looking bed of wild daffodils ina lane outside WITCH FIXIT'S    pretty cottage. The entrance,   through the open door is south.
   1 You are outside the large door, in the Church Cemetary. The air is doom-laden and the tombstonesare green and lop-sided. A lane leads west and there is a path  up to a cave entrance. A freshlydug grave has been decorated    with a wreath of daffodils
   1 You are now inside the house of the GREEN WITCH. Wicked magical forces prevent movement in ANY  direction.
   1 You are near an old church whichlies to the north. Bats are     wheeling overhead, carrying     table-tennis bats. Nearby there is a pile of smelly rubbish.
   1 You are in the vestry. Apart    from usual vestry-type things,  there is a comfortable-looking  bed in the corner. Against one  wall there is a cupboard and    there is large door to the south
   1 You are in the magic wood. It isgrowing darker and without warn-ing lightning ZIG-ZAGS across   the sky as thunder rolls and therain slants down. Through the   gloom you spy a path to the east
   1 You are in the belfry of an old Church. Bats of all shapes and  sizes are playing table-tennis. The sound of the balls going    ping-pong over the nets makes   you feel sleepy.
   1 You are in bed with an oyster,  and can't help noticing that he has a snazzy line in bedclothes.The sheets are of pink satin andthe pillowcases are pure white  linen. It is quite cosy here.
   1 You are in a lane to the east ofWITCH FIXIT'S cottage. There is a signpost nearby which displaysthe notice:-
   1 You are in a lane outside the   Churchyard, which leads north   to an old dilapidated windmill.
   1 You are also DEAD!!  Sorreeeeee!
   1 You are a lightning conductor   
   1 You are WHOOSHED up into the air
   1 Y                      
   1 What next?
   1 WITCH herself!
   1 VESTRY if you want to sleep" he 
   1 Try something else!
   1 This is an attractive parlour   with many impressive features.  An opening leads east to the    lane outside. In a rocking chairsits an old woman, wearing a    small black beret, and knitting a quite indescribable object.
   1 There is an oak BEAM overhead
   1 There is a notice pinned to the 
   1 There is a NOTICE hanging from  
   1 The noise deafens you, and when 
   1 The lightning strikes the handle
   1 The entrance to a cosy cave liesto the north. Inside you can seea bed of twigs and leaves.      A notice nearby reads:-
   1 The cupboard is open.
   1 The bell is suspended from the  
   1 The action of the bats is so    
   1 The Witch zooms out through the 
   1 The Witch grabs the pepper MILL 
   1 The Curate runs out the door    
   1 The Curate is now out of sight!
   1 That's silly!
   1 That won't get you anywhere!
   1 Suddenly, down the chimney, in a
   1 Start tape, then press any key.
   1 Start DATA tape, press any key
   1 Standing next to her is a witch,
   1 Some peeled POTATOES   
   1 Some POTATOES are here.
   1 Some POTATOES          
   1 So you hot-foot it back!
   1 She pops back a minute later....
   1 She is wearing a pink bikini and
   1 SOUTH, conveniently removing the
   1 SHOUT password obtained from the
   1 ROPE with bell attached
   1 Only one lonely DAFFODIL is here
   1 On the ground you notice a small
   1 OK..position SAVED
   1 OK..all you see are other trees 
   1 Now you're on terra firma again!
   1 Nothing happens!
   1 Nothing at all         
   1 Not likely! SPOOKY!
   1 No SAVE has been performed yet!
   1 NOT a good idea!
   1 Lying on the ground is a bar of 
   1 Lying here is a pile of rubbish
   1 Lying around you see pepper MILL
   1 It won't budge!
   1 It is locked!
   1 It is almost dark in here, but  you JUST recognise that you are now standing in a Church tower.
   1 It is WITCH FIXIT----at last!
   1 I'm afraid she's gone for good!
   1 He opens his shell to reveal a  
   1 He now looks quite pink as he   
   1 He hands you a silver HAMMER,   
   1 Goody, goody! A real HOGWASH!!
   1 GREEN     
   1 GOBLIN on the way.
   1 Don't be ridiculous!
   1 Do you want to try again? (Y/N)
   1 DOOR      
   1 Curate beside the OPEN cupboard 
   1 CHARS     
   1 But she is!
   1 Beside the pool you can see a   
   1 Before you realise what is      
   1 Batty thanks you and gives you  
   1 Batty Bat's BAT        
   1 BATTY BAT comes running down    
   1 BATTY BAT comes over to you.....
   1 B into computer else any key.
   1 B from computer else any key.
   1 Apologies from authors!         *                               *                               
   1 Amid the BULLRUSHES is a ROPE.
   1 Although the Curate went towards
   1 A yellow DAFFODIL      
   1 A wood nymph KNOCKS you about!
   1 A wizard RAPS your knuckles!
   1 A table-tennis BALL is lying on 
   1 A table-tennis BALL    
   1 A spent MATCH          
   1 A solitary MATCH       
   1 A silver HAMMER        
   1 A pepper MILL          
   1 A paring KNIFE         
   1 A little elf RINGS your ears!
   1 A length of ROPE       
   1 A huge black PEARL lies beside  
   1 A huge black PEARL     
   1 A gust of green mist prevents   
   1 A green bar of SOAP    
   1 A goblin TAPS you on the head!
   1 A cadaver leaps out of the grave
   1 A bright green witch appears on 
   1 A brass BELL           
   1 A Witch's HAT          
   1 A Witch watches your every move.
   1 A BALL left by Batty Bat is here
   1 ;"Programming: Tom Frost "
   1 ;"A fantasy text adventure"
   1 ;" Storylining: Audrey Meredith "
   1 ;" GREEN DOOR "
   1 #######################
   1 "You now notice an overhead BEAM!":
   1 "You may take my pepper MILL if 
   1 "You hear screams of ""THIEF!!...""":
   1 "You have been wafted through thewindow and are standing on the  hearth rug. The Witch is dancinground a cauldron and before you can say ""YOGI"", she has turned  you into a BIG BROWN BEAR!"
   1 "You are standing by a small poolwhere some animals are drinking."
   1 "You are in the BEAR GARDEN at   the ZOO! You begin to feel itchyas your bearskin peels off and  you are your old self again! So you finally got out of the      clutches of the GREEN WITCH!    Perhaps you will not open GREEN DOORS in the future!":
   1 "You are in a magic wood. Paths  change direction and disappear  in this enchanted place. A largeoak tree stands before you, and from the east comes an eerie    green mist. There are uninvitingpaths to north, south and west. From the south come GOBLIN-like sounds!"
   1 "There's a nice BED down in the 
   1 "The door to the north is open."
   1 "On an old table you notice an   unlit candle.":
   1 "OUCH you've given me a sore    
   1 "Move over" says the oyster in a
   1 "I want them skinless BEAR!" she
   1 "How dare you steal from me!" he
   1 "Have you got a present for me?"
   1 "From Batty BAT"
   1 "Follow me."
   1 "By the light of the candle you  see much more clearly that this is indeed the Church tower."
   1 "BATTY BAT is hovering around.":
   1 "A passing WITCH grabs your";:
   1 "64984",w:
   1 "64984",d:
   1 "64115",no
   1 "1000"+vb*h
   1 "   You opened it didn't you!":
   1   To get out, go east
   1   To enter SAY MAT
   1   She's going to sing again!
   1   Now get gone, you beast
   1   My password SAY CAT
   1     You'll be left there
   1     With a DAFFODIL,
   1     Say my magic word,
   1     If you cheat bear,
   1     But beware bear,
   1     As a bare BEAR!
   1     And that's that.
   1     And a bat's BAT,
   1     And Witch Fixit's HAT,
   1     A pepper MILL,
   1      Bring me a DAFFODIL
   1      And Witch Fixit's HAT
   1      A pepper MILL
   1      A bat's BAT
   1       Where bad folk go
   1       To meet me O
   1       To greet me O
   1       Say to me O
   1       OFF YOU GO.....WHOOSH..
   1        FOR BEARS ONLY
   1           WHOOPS
   1           BRANCH OFFICE
   1            Oh Dear!